Sun Tunnels

Sun Tunnels

Sun tunnels are the easiest, most cost-effective way to bring natural lighting into your home.  Sun tunnels start at $700 and can be installed in only a few hours. Two residential sizes are available, 10″ for small spaces and 14″ for large spaces/working areas. If you would like to use sun tunnels to bring light to a large family space, we often install multiple lights throughout the room. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a personalized quote for your space.

Check out some of our add-on options currently available:

The solar night light provides steady low-level light when the sun goes down. The gentle light is often compared to moonlight; just bright enough to see your way through a room at night but soft enough that it won’t keep you awake.

At $50, this upgrade pays for itself through the Solar Federal Tax Credit!*

*The Federal Tax Credit based off total installation cost. Visit:

Diffusers help create different light effects inside your house. The diffuser that comes with the kit is usually what customers choose to keep, but sometimes a different look is needed for the space.

While we have several “decorative” diffusers,  our 2 most popular are the “Dimming” and “Warming” diffusers.

The Warming diffuser takes the light from bright white to a “soft white,” blending in with the other lights in your home.

The Dimming diffuser reduces the amount of light that comes through your sun tunnel. It is often installed for the summer months and taken out for darker months.

If the perfect place for your solar tube is where a light currently is or if you want your ceiling to  be as “clutter free” as possible, this upgrade is for you. We install a low-profile fixture inside the sun tunnel allowing you to have natural sunlight in the daytime and flip your light switch anytime you need conventional illumination.

We can also install a sun tunnel with a light upgrade where there wasn’t a pre-existing light. This is often useful in bathrooms where only over-the-sink lighting exists.

I am so happy. I made a call for an estimate last Friday. Paul came out within hours to look at the job. I wanted two solar tubes, a 14″ for the dark stairwell and a 10″ for a cave like bathroom.  He gave me a verbal estimate and then gave me a written bid over the weekend. On Monday I agreed and three days later the job was completed by Phil. It actually cost $50 less than the bid as Phil said the extra extension wasn’t needed.  Frankly, I wouldn’t have known and appreciated his honesty.  The solar tubes have made a huge difference. I would highly recommend this family owned company.  -Susan Robinson, Google Review

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